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Búsqueda por serie: Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag)
Mostrando 1-12 de 12 resultados, ordenados por
1. Local cohomology / a seminar given by A. Grothendieck, Harvard University, Fall 1961 ; notes by R. Hartshorne. 1967 Libro Hemeroteca
2. Dynamical systems : stability theory and applications / N. P. Bhatia, G. P. Szegö. 1967 Libro Hemeroteca
3. Catégories cofibrées additives et complexe cotangent relatif / A. Grothendieck. 1968 Libro Hemeroteca
4. Rings and modules of quotients / Bo Stenström. 1971 Libro Hemeroteca
5. Riemannsche Geometrie im Grossen / D. Gromoll, W. Klingenberg, W. Meyer. — 2. Aufl. 1975 Libro Hemeroteca
6. Approximation theory : proceedings of an international colloquium, held at Bonn, Germany, June 8-11, 1976 / edited by R. Schaback and K. Scherer. 1976 Libro Hemeroteca
7. The geometry of ordinary variational equations / Olga Krupková. 1997 Libro Hemeroteca
8. Derived equivalences for group rings / Steffen König, Alexander Zimmermann ; with contributions by Bernhard Keller ... [et al.]. 1998 Libro Hemeroteca
9. Bifurcations in Hamiltonian systems : computing singularities by Gröbner bases / Henk Broer ... [et al.]. 2003 Libro Hemeroteca
10. Orthogonal polynomials and special functions : Leuven 2002 / Erik Koelink, Walter van Assche (eds.). 2003 Libro Hemeroteca
11. Noncommutative geometry : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. summer school held in Martina Franca, Italy, September 3-9, 2000 / A. Connes ... [et al.] ; editors, S. Doplicher, R. Longo. 2004 Libro Hemeroteca
12. Hamiltonian reduction by stages / Jerrold E. Marsden ... [et al.] 2007 Libro

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